- Do Not Spam.
- Do Not summon monsters in town or low level dungeons (with dead branches)
- Do Not Player Kill
- Do Not Kill Steal
- Do Not Loot
- Do Not Beg
- Do Not Flame or Disrespect other Players or GM's
- Do Not Cheat or use Bots, or Hacks.
- Do Not use AoE spells or spam any skill in towns or in shops (AoE = "Area of Effect" like Storm Gust or Lord of Vermillion)
- Do Not use GM or Game Master in your nick or title
- Do Not advertise other servers
- Do Not bug GM's unless it's VERY important (This means don't ask GMs where to level and stuff like that)
- Do Not scam (This means don't say you are selling a choco card and then turn around and sell a coco card) .
- Speak English when possible, this is an English server so please speak English to GMs and other players. (This means you address people in English if you are not sure what languages they know) .
- Do not swear, or use a swear word to insult a player or GM.
- Do not harass other players or GMs.
- Do not vend in shops, like the mall, upgrader ect. Also dont block any npc with a vend.
- Punishment can range from a 5 minute chat ban to a permanent ban at the GM's discretion.